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student loan processes

information regarding federal student loans

学生贷款是你为教育目的而借的钱,你承诺偿还给贷款人. 借钱通常需要支付利息, which means you will repay more than you borrow. 因此,世纪挑战集团鼓励学生在万不得已的情况下才贷款. 

符合条件的学生可以从美国联邦直接贷款.S. Department of Education. 

Federal DIRECT Student Loan

To apply for a Federal Direct Loan, 你必须在金融援助自助服务中接受你想借的金额. 
Then, you must complete:
Online Student Loan Entrance Counseling
Online Direct Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN)


Loan certifications

According to HEA Sec. 479(A)(c), 34 CFR 685.301(a)(8), DCL GEN-11-07; OPE电子竞技官网 has the authority to refuse to certify a loan(s) for an individual borrower, 或者可以证明贷款金额低于借款人的最高资格, on a case-by-case basis.

Loan certification criteria:

  • 学生必须注册并参加至少六个学分(半时间)每季度. 
  • 学生必须保持令人满意的学业进步联邦学生援助资格. 
  • 学生有权取消贷款,在资金申请到学生账户后不迟于14天以书面形式通知经济援助办公室. 
  • 财政援助办公室将最大限度地提高补贴贷款资格,而不是无补贴贷款资格.
  • 如果外部经济援助减少了学生预算中的贷款需求,经济援助办公室可能会减少贷款金额. 
  • 财政援助办公室不得超过直接贷款的年度联邦限额. 如果转学生在其他机构使用贷款,可能会受到影响.

Annual Loan limits

Grade Level One: 0 - 44.99 completed credit hours
$5,500 -受供养学生(直接资助上限为$3,500)

Grade Level Two: 45+ completed credit hours



  • 补贴的联邦直接贷款是基于财政需要. “需要”的定义是减去家庭预期贡献(由联邦公式确定)和所有其他形式的援助 Cost of Attendance (COA). 联邦政府在你上学期间至少支付一半的利息, 在你至少有一半的时间停止上学后的六个月宽限期内,以及在授权的延期期间. 学生在一级资助贷款中可借入的最高金额为3元,500 and at Grade Level Two is $4,500.
  • 无补贴联邦直接贷款不是基于经济需要,无论你的收入如何,你都可以获得. Because this loan is not subsidized by the government, 你必须对在校期间产生的所有兴趣负责, grace and deferment periods. 你可以选择定期向贷款人支付利息,也可以选择将应计利息资本化(加在)贷款本金上.

The interest rate is fixed at 6.53 percent 适用于在七月一日或之后首次发放贷款的本科生资助及非资助贷款, 2024 and before July 1, 2025—meaning, loans received for 2024-25 Award Year.

在7月1日或之后首次发放的本科生资助及非资助贷款, 2023 and before July 1, 2024 have a fixed interest rate of 5.50 percent—meaning, loans received for 2023-24 Award Year.

所有的联邦直接贷款都由联邦政府收取贷款费用. 这笔费用有助于降低发放这些低息贷款的成本. The federal government will deduct the fee from the loan before the borrower receives any loan money; therefore, 借款人收到的贷款资金可能少于他们将偿还的金额. 10月1日或之后发放的资助及非资助贷款, 2020 and before October 1, 2024 the loan origination fee is 1.057 percent.

If you withdraw after borrowing, you must:

Complete Loan Exit Counseling
Repayment Estimator/Loan Simulator


队列违约率是指一所学校的学生借款人开始偿还某些联邦家庭教育贷款(FFEL)计划或威廉D. 福特联邦直接贷款(直接贷款)计划在特定联邦财政年度(FY)内的贷款, Oct. 1 to Sept. 在下一会计年度结束前违约或满足其他规定条件. 请参阅下面的队列违约率指南,了解队列违约率的更深入描述以及如何计算该比率.

Cohort Default Rate Guide

Federal plus loan


填写OPE电子竞技官网联邦直接贷款申请表. 请与财务援助贷款助理联系以获取处理说明.
Repayment Estimator/Loan Simulator


学生必须在整个贷款期间注册至少六个学分,以便父母有资格获得PLUS贷款. 学生必须首先完成FAFSA,以便在为学生和家长处理此申请之前确定他们是否有资格获得联邦学生援助.

The interest rate is fixed at 9.08 percent 适用于在7月1日或之后首次发放贷款的受供养学生的直接加助学贷款, 2024 and before July 1, 2025—meaning, loans received for 2024-25 Award Year.

The interest rate is fixed at 8.05 percent 适用于在7月1日或之后首次发放贷款的受供养学生的直接加助学贷款, 2023 and before July 1, 2024—meaning, loans received for 2023-24 Award Year.
Direct Plus loans originated on or after October 1, 2020 and before October 1, 2024 the loan origination fee is 4.228 percent.

Alternative/private loan

OPE电子竞技官网 does not certify prvate student loans.